BE 009: 13 Rules of a Gunfight
(disclaimer: may contain unintentionally confusing, inaccurate and/or amusing transcription errors)
Welcome to the Behendigkeit podcast number nine my name is Gereon and I’m with hi my name is Pauline and I’m happy to be back awesome all right today we are going to talk actually about a tick tock about a meme that’s been going around for quite some time and it’s called um the 13 rules of a gunfight and then it sometimes varies um sometimes it’s called the 13 rules of gunfight by the U.S Marine Corps or the US Army and so on and it’s actually not a real set of rules it’s something like basically a meme that’s been um put together by people to be kind of funny but also have a kernel of truth to it and some of them are actually quotes from General Mattis who is um quite famous General and who has written a book and um I want to go through them today because there’s actually something interesting to take out of them and so as we go through them keep in mind this is not an official rule set but these are kind of like um little rules that can be helpful and we’re going to go through them and think about how they can be applied to other areas of life because what’s really interesting to me is that me uh Miyamoto Musashi who was the most famous Samurai swordsman and who is like a very very enlightened being so first of all he was the best Samurai of his time he killed everyone that challenged him and usually in a very short amount of time but he was also a philosopher and he said something really interesting and he said if you know the way and the way refers to how things are it’s the the way as in taoism it’s the way as in do if you think about Judo about the dojo for example right the way like mythical special path among many paths if you know the way you’ll see it in all things so what he’s saying is if you have learned to recognize some path some truth and he discovered it in his martial arts you can then go on to apply to other fields and this is actually something that I see quite often that people who have attain Mastery in some field and it might be anything it might be music it might be architecture whatever once they have reached a certain level usually some Master Level they are able to apply it to different fields because usually they have a lot of things in common and so what I would like to do today is talk about these rules they’re very very much military right so it’s about shooting it’s about taking carbon so when I want to talk about if there’s not something that we can pull out for business life or General Life
so the first one is be courteous to everyone friendly to no one and this is one I’m struggling a little bit with because just before this podcast we’ve been talking about like right you said well I always try to be very nice to people say hi greet them this is how you were raised and actually noticed that about you before and I think I do the same right so if we’re at a restaurant with the team the waiter comes there’s always going to be two people that always thank the people all the time and that’s going to be you and me right yeah and so I actually like being friendly to people and I do have some contact with people that are in Special Operations or that are formal operations and this is one I always notice with them they’re not unfriendly you know they’re not crass or like mean to people but they’re almost never friendly which is kind of funny and kind of strange but they are always courteous right they always say thank you I always say please but it’s not in the same way that you do it for example it’s always like a little bit more reserved um and maybe it’s not felt it’s not heartfelt and so I’ve always been noticed noting this and it’s always been kind of strange to me and
I wonder what the reason could be for something like that do you have an idea like why why somebody would not try to be friendly but still be polite and courteous I think it depends a little bit of the situation or also on the relationship between those two people I think being polite has a lot to do with some manners you raced with or whatever um and it’s always good to be polite and have those manners but on the other hand I think not on the other hand but I think a big part of it is also like a little personal distance because like you said I’m really friendly and I’m I think um I give the most people a good feeling or like a welcome feeling but sometimes it’s really on a personal pace so if I if I think about myself talking to yeah people in higher positions I’m always super friendly whatever but I do not really make a difference between the friendliness between business relationships or not on not on our like yeah in a different kind of way but I’m also always friendly but I think some people have in mind that this is for example like a work relationship and there’s a difference between friendliness or politeness with other like with their friends for example maybe the people you know are completely completely different when they talk to family members or friends whatever but I think me it’s more like I see the people as human doesn’t matter in which positions they are or what are what they’re working what title they have I’m I try to be always polite and super friendly because this is also a way I wanted to be treated that’s a good point and like I was also thinking that you know maybe it’s a it’s a matter of which industry you’re in right because if you’re in Special Operations your business is in the end to kill people if necessary right and so you might encounter a lot of people that you might need to inflict violence on later on and so one thing I sometimes notice it doesn’t happen very often but sometimes my friendliness is taking this weakness you know some people are just like a little bit rougher and they want to look for trouble and then if I’m too friendly then they take it as a sign that maybe they can push me around and so being more courteous instead of friendly I think is a good way to keep that distance right to first of all signal oh it’s not just a nice guy that you can start pushing around and then find out but like find out a little bit earlier and also it probably makes it a little bit easier if you’re not too friendly with people than to switch to like a more violent mode because um well you don’t maybe it’s something about your own mind right you if you have like for example you treat your child friendly loving and then you treat a stranger a little bit more distant right it still says cordius so it’s still polite maybe that’s actually a good idea because why would you treat everyone basically the same especially if maybe you’re gonna be in conflict and that could be a violent conflict right or also in business so I notice it very small that um especially very successful entrepreneurs um financiers and so on they’re always very courteous right but they also know that some kind of violence can erupt at any time it’s not going to be physical violence it’s going to be a conflict of interest right different shareholders disagree and they could be very courteous one moment and the next moment the knives come on right and so staying at this courteous level is maybe actually the better option then like always being friendly because if you’re friends you’re not going to be doing the same stuff that you would do if you were just polite absolutely yeah yeah so this is a good one and I like that we talked about because I think I have a little bit more clarity on it so let’s go to the second one and it says decide to be aggressive enough quickly enough and this one I really like it this is what I always say violence of action right you don’t wanna start a fight you don’t want to be aggressive but if you are just go crazy because if you ever come to the point that you decide you need to be violent first of all you should have a good reason right somebody wants to abduct you somebody wants to do harm to your child somebody wants to rape you right you shouldn’t start a fight just because somebody called your name or something like that right so personally I think your threshold should be very high before you initiated violence but if it does really no point in taking it slow you can often see it right so two guys they start to square it off and then they push each other and say well you’re looking like that what are you looking at right and you just see the escalatory spiral happening and so for me if I can I’ll just remove myself from the situation so what if he looks tough right that’s cool I leave I look weaker that’s fine because the thing is you never know how these things end right they can go really wrong somebody pulls a knife you punch the other person out and they hit their head on the crib right and they are going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives and you’re gonna have to pay for them so violence is actually super super dangerous Beyond getting your ass kicked but if I cannot do that and the situation really calls for violence I’m in absolute favor of maximizing the violence of going crazy because if you are in that situation it doesn’t pay to start slowly because you’re just going to invite a longer fight you’re just gonna create more risk so if you have to do it just go go crazy any thoughts on this no I totally agree honestly like if you if it takes too too much time if you think about it too too long you’re already lost yeah and that’s another good point you’re on psychology right because um everyone who’s been especially I think every guy who’s been in that situation right the fear starts creeping up on you and if you don’t move this is especially bad right this is why people that are good at this they’ll start moving just to get the adrenaline kind of worked into the system and don’t have this build up where you’re getting into that Frozen stage and you’re in trouble and you’re like oh [ __ ] it’s getting worse I’m I’m you know I’m being frozen in place and the fear is just getting control of you so start moving and start going crazy and but on the business side I think this is really important as well because what I often see is that people make a decision so they’ll decide to start building a product they want to research a technology right so AI um has been growing in Impact lately and then people will say oh yeah this is something we should do right but they don’t exhibit violence of action they don’t get started they don’t go aggressively in it they’ll say oh yeah this is something that we need to investigate right and maybe they put it even on the backlog but it’s like at spot 200 and they’re going to get to it in 15 months right that’s going to be too slow with some things I’m not saying with everything you shouldn’t be like starting like a rocket with everything but with some things you just get to get started and you got to be violent about it if you are too slow it’s not going to work so sometimes you just have to be aggressive right and here it says decide to be aggressive enough right it doesn’t say I’ll go crazy because you don’t have any control over your emotions or your actions when it says decide use your brain to be aggressive enough quickly enough so if you make the decision and go hard
next one is have a plan the one after is have a backup plan because the first one probably won’t work I mean that’s the reality no like we all know that yeah everything looks fine in your head and when you plan something bad once you start you there are some problems coming up whatever and then you have to figure it out again so the backup plan most most of the times the more important one yeah and I think where people get hung up on this planning thing is that you know sometimes they understand this and then they come to the conclusion that they shouldn’t have a plan because the plan is not going to work anyway right and I think that’s a major mistake because um the act of planning is very beneficial because it’s going to give you orientation you’re going to find out through the planning phase that oh yeah I’m missing some information here we need to find something out first and so planning is very important the plan is important as well but you have to realize that it’s probably not going to work and you’re going to have to adapt but the most important thing is not to be a slave to your own plan right have do the planning have a plan and then when things change you throw it overboard and you go with backup plan and maybe even the Backup backup plan right because you always have to adapt to it and don’t get stuck in the plan that you made a while ago that you now gotten attached to and that you want to make work even though it doesn’t make any sense anymore
the next one kind of connects to the first one it says be polite be professional but have a plan to kill everyone you meet
and so here we have the politeness again be professional again I’ll have a plan to kill everyone you meet okay that’s a little bit crass but I actually understand where they’re coming from so if we put this into a business context I see that people that play on an elevated level and they do this all the time right so let’s say you have a startup and you have some investors coming in and um you know everyone is very polite and courteous everyone’s getting along because everybody wants to make this startup a success right and at some point of time let’s say there are five parties who have invested in the startup at some point of time the interests are going to diverge right somebody wants to take on more capital and that would mean diluting the shares and so the others don’t want to do it and now the question is who do you want to be do you want to be the person that’s a dreamer that’s unrealistic that thinks oh everything is going to work out and then find out once the Divergence in in interest happens that everyone else actually has planned for this and they have inserted some Clauses into the contracts and they can actually like take your shares away or what are you down or do some other nasty stuff or do you actually want to be prepared for that and I would argue that this actually it sounds very crass but it makes a lot of sense because in the end it says be prepared right it’s not saying okay treat everyone like an enemy all the time be super paranoid and suspicious of their every move but be prepared if [ __ ] goes down you have a plan you’re ready to go you go back to 0.2 and you’re not only going to do something with a plan you’re going to be very aggressive about it right because in the end this is what makes makes you win and sometimes I get the feedback that I’m talking about talking too much about military stuff in in a business context but the reason why I do it is because in in war you can’t play around right it’s it’s for real it’s it’s life or death it’s black and white and so you actually learn some truth there
that count when it really matters and in business I think there’s a lot of space to Doodle around you know to try something out and not be very real about stuff and and then you can’t find the truth out as easily as possible while in war you will see the results pretty quickly and so you can decide do you want to be that person that has a plan that is ready and that can go hard or do you want to be the person that’s super surprised and find out that all the other guys that put money into the start as well they actually plan for this right they didn’t want to do this but they have planned for this I mean in the end it doesn’t matter if it’s a topic of war or if it’s business-wise I think in the end everything like it’s clear everybody wants to win everybody wants to win the deal everybody wants to make money or yeah when when the the battle or whatever so first of all I think everybody’s his own best friend and it doesn’t matter like of course you should be polite and keep like your your social matters whatever but you always be should be a little bit curious what’s the motivation of the other people and be aware of what happens behind your back but see this is really interesting because I think we are very different in that regard I think um you are a little bit um harder in that sense because I don’t necessarily want to always win no of course in the long run I want to do well and I want to accomplish my plans but I’m actually often quite soft in these kind of things and so for me it’s very helpful to keep that in mind right and I guess it really depends on different circumstances as well um however I think a lot of people you know because we are civilized right that’s a very good thing but it’s also a bad thing because it makes us soft and because it makes us dream up this civilized Harmony that isn’t really there and I see this it’s actually funny that I’m saying this about myself because I’m often telling people I’m often telling people you guys don’t know what real criminals will do to you right so a mentor of mine he used to be on a parole board in the United States and he would tell me stuff and this is really crazy and people cannot imagine the evil that some people out in the world are capable and I’m very willing to do and it’s not just in Isis territory somewhere far away it’s um it’s everywhere and of course you don’t need to get paranoid about it but this fiction that we have created of everything is safe the democracy is not going to fall um the police is going to come when you call them they’re not always going to come um it’s it’s a fiction right and you don’t need to go become a crazy prepper and like be be scared all the time but I think it’s quite helpful to be somewhat prepared and I think we all in different contexts often fall into this trap of letting the the fiction become real in our heads yeah absolutely so the next one is a little bit funny do not attend a gunfight with a handgun to handgun whose caliber does not start with a four okay let’s skip that one but the next one is very nice and it says anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice ammo is cheap life is expensive and so I teach self-defense right we’re in a school where self-defense is being taught and this is something that like beginner students really have to learn because again this fiction of Harmony of civilization is really really dangerous in self-defense situations because what will happen is the following people will have some beginner knowledge of self-defense they are going to be threatened for their life I mean we’re talking about serious stuff right somebody tries to do some serious harm to you and they actually pull something off to defend themselves right and so the attacker goes down is maybe heard and what will people do they’ll turn around and walk away and I actually have that I had that situation in another dojo where one of the master students he was a competitor in Taekwondo he was really really good I mean he was like I don’t want to say world class but he was like on an elite level and at night when he left the dojo and the one is called tojang but anyway Dojo um the dojo was in a very bad neighborhood in Berlin like you had to go through a bunch of junkies it was super dangerous and he did that he was very fit very well trained and one of the Junkies attacked him and so what did he do he gave him a like a turnaround kick and just knocked him the [ __ ] off his feet right and the junkie just broke down and so the student then continued walking to the subway thinking well this was easy right one kick and he went down and what happened the guy got back up and stabbed him with a knife from the back
when our Master visited him in the hospital you know what he said he said you’re a [ __ ] idiot how could you turn your back on him right and that’s the thing and this this will sound very crass to people who are not used to this because we’re being taught in kindergarten in sports life not to kick somebody that’s down right and you have to be very careful with the law because you’re not allowed to overstep the boundaries of self-defense but what he should have done is first of all not turn us back that was a big mistake but he might have needed to kick him while he was on the ground right and if this sounds really bad when I’m saying this this is normal because you are probably civilized but that doesn’t mean it’s not right because you cannot give somebody that has already attacked you that is out of his senses the chance to come at you again with a knife even if he had turned around right he might have been able to run away but even then somebody that’s really high on hardcore drugs and was heroin back at the time who has a knife and who’s willing to attack you you’re gonna be in trouble even if you’re like a champion Taekwondo fighter
so if you feel the need to shoot once or to really hurt somebody then please feel free to do it again because it doesn’t make sense to give the person a chance to come back don’t overstep the boundaries of self-defense of course but it doesn’t make any sense to let the person go out they’ve already shown you that they won’t hurt you right and you had your lucky shot you got them don’t let them get up
and also ammo’s cheap life is expensive right that’s a very good point I mean yeah that’s the lowest important thing you have in your life so you should defend in with all you have yeah but you know what the funny thing is so if a mom defends her child right she’ll go into Berserker mode right there’s so many stories you can just go on YouTube or Tick Tock and look for it and you’re gonna see people going crazy right because there’s something instinctual happen but people often won’t defend themselves and it’s really funny to well funny isn’t really the right word but it’s really strange to see how people don’t do that right they’re being aggressed somewhere and I think everyone has seen this before right and then people won’t do anything first of all they might be Frozen with fear all right but even then they always still try to I think in their mind they they think oh well this person isn’t really going to do anything right we’re in a civilized world but there are a lot of people who don’t give a [ __ ] about it right true absolutely true and at some point of time you have to come to the conclusion that you need to need to fight back right even if you know you’ll lose it doesn’t matter but raise the price for the other person and so yes what you’re saying is true it’s the most um expensive thing you have yet people often don’t defend it which is really crazy
next one is move away from your attacker distance is your friend lateral and diagonal preferred and
now we touched on this before don’t get into stupid fights it’s not worth it I mean so many people get into fights all the time something happens somebody is crippled and you’re gonna have to pay for them for the rest of their lives maybe they are dead and they just had a very bad day and too much to drink and so then you just viciously punch them out and hurt them for the long time they lose an eye or something like that it’s not really worth it so what if they have called you something what if they’ve embarrassed you in front of your wife or girlfriend most of the things you sleep on it it’s gonna hurt your ego for a while and then it’s gonna be okay try to get away it’s the best thing you can do even if you’re very well trained um even if you if you have a gun on you so you shoot the guy and then what what happens then do you want to spend the next year the next three years in a court pedal do you want to go to prison and then like explain yourself and justify yourself and then people will make up some story and say well it wasn’t really self-defense blah blah blah it’s not worth it if you can run away distance is your friend and they are right and the lateral diagonal preferred makes sense as well right if you can step offline this is there’s maybe a little bit too specific but if you can step off the line of attack this is really helpful because then people have to readjust a little bit more any thoughts on that no I agree good use cover or consumement as much as possible and I think in a military sense this makes absolute sense right if you can’t be seen um you can’t be attacked but I think in business this goes as well so it makes a lot of sense to call out your Target because it’ll help your team rally around it to orient them towards it and you know sometimes you just have to make a statement for example if SpaceX says well we’re going to colonize Mars that’s very helpful however I’m actually a big fan of of sneaking up on things because if you talk about your plans too much then this gives other people the opportunity to first of all make some competitive moves against you right and if I if I say I’m going to do this right the competitor might do something that impedes that but also I think a lot of times
people have unconsciously you know maybe let’s say your employees maybe unconsciously what you’re trying to do doesn’t quite fit their plan they might without even knowing it they might slow things down or they might not be as motivated and you know sometimes things have a tendency of not working out quite as well I I understand that this might sound a little bit crass but this is actually my experience that if I don’t talk about my plans they actually have a high chance of succeeding and the more I talk about them you’re smiling right now the more I talk about them the less the less the chance that they succeed and I’m not talking five percentage points I’m talking about like 80 versus 20 or something like that and I don’t know quite what it is it could be just like the resistance that it creates in others or the opportunity to make competitive moves it could also be this I think a lot of people know this that your brain has a difficulty of distinguishing between something you’ve really achieved and something you’ve just talked about right and if I say oh well we’re going to do this and like it kind of feels real and then maybe the motivation suffers a little bit I’m not sure if that’s it but I just have to say I notice it all the time the more I move in in Silence the more successful I am yeah I think this is something in every kind of situation if it’s in business if it’s on the battlefield or also if it’s in normal relationships I think because people talk all the time and they talk what they want to do or what’s in their mind like their plans or whatever but what really counts in the end of the day are the facts that really happen you know and yeah I think it’s you should take it like to yourself and really think about it first and go go talk to yourself if it really makes sense and then maybe already start doing something for it and when you see it goes well then you can share your your thoughts or your plans whatever maybe you can ask for help or about others opinion but if you’re not even serious about starting it then don’t talk about it because it’s a waste of energy for everybody totally agree and yet still people do it all the time I mean it’s it’s human cool flank your adversary when possible protect yours so Protect Your Flank right and this is again very militarily very militarily you don’t attack um where the enemy is strong like head on you go to where the enemy is weak and that usually means coming from the side hooking circling whatever
and the thing is this is so obvious you know everybody’s gonna knot their heads yeah you don’t attack people head on but if you think back into history this is actually not what people would do in military conflict right so what would happen in the old days well two armies would try to meet somewhere on some plane right and they would maneuver and um position themselves across from each other and then you know some signal would be sent like war drum or something and they would Clash into each other right and they might be a little bit flanking movement if they had Cavalry and so on but people would actually go hard on hard right if there was on some kind of defensive Tower some defensive installation they would go there and over time and I want to say like somewhere in the 20th century people actually started moving hard on soft right so if you think about um the Blitzkrieg for example they didn’t go into the marginal line in France right where France has built these really huge defensive installations to keep Germany out they were surrounded why right because why would you go into where somebody is already prepared to defend against you and so yes people will say this is obvious historically speaking historically speaking this has not been the case and frankly I’m not sure that people actually practice this as much as they should in business and personal life so if I look a lot of a lot at product management at product ownership at business strategy people still seem to go heart on heart they you know they try to compete directly they compete compete through price instead of being smart and you know taking maybe a little bit of a detour and then coming in from the side where the competition is weak right which of course takes more creativity which is a little bit more difficult to pull off but actually while everyone will not and say this is obvious people don’t practice as much as they should absolutely true number eleven and this one is kind of choosing always cheat always win the only unfair fight is the one you lose
and this is something I have to say whenever I talk to Veterans and with veteran I don’t mean somebody that has served in the military I’ve done that for me better and as somebody is who has actually been in a war and come out of it they always say something like this right it’s not about the rules it’s not um about being fair they always stress the importance of winning no matter how we’re not talking about war crimes here we’re talking about creative we’re talking about um being more aggressive than the other person and finding that the cheat codes so to speak to make sure that you win any thoughts on that you’re smiling yeah just because I think in similar Fields like business-wise however everybody has a strategy you also can like in marketing or wherever there are some some rules or some like a handbook for example what to do how to do it whatever but it’s obvious and it’s not a secret some do it better and some are not that successful with their strategy but they might also follow the same the same Pros a process or like the same roadmap whatever so then you can ask yourself in the end of the day like why are they so successful or why did they win or what happened what did they like what is the difference and I think that’s that’s exactly the point I mean they’re both their strategy on both sides but there’s one one team winning and you have to find out how and why and I think it was also Musashi who said if you’re being fair or too fair to the enemy you’re being answered to yourself and I think again for people who might be a little bit more benevolent or just soft whatever if pointers or standpoint is on that I think this is really important because often you know then we’re not as tough on the competition as we could be right but what’s the consequence well we might have to let somebody go from the team right and that’s a little bit tough or what if well can’t take a vacation with your family because you’ve been playing it super nice with the competition right is that a good strategy probably not because somebody will have to pay the price and you gotta make up your mind if that’s you your family your co-workers or if it’s the competition we probably should be losing against you right and again if you put it into this black and white context of who gets to survive a
fight then it becomes much clearer right and well do I want to go home or not well yeah I kind of do but then it comes to business and people go all soft and I was just remembering I used to be an intern to like a really good marketing manager here in Germany and he was I think he was the chief marketing officer for um before just before I met him it was really fun to work for him because I just seen a documentary on TV about him and so what he did and I hope I’m not watching up the story but um so in the German Bundesliga the soccer league the stadiums are usually rented out by some sponsors and I think it was uh the trademark with the three stripes that had um rented like sponsored the whole stadium right and so they had the rights to display and the logo everywhere players were their shoes and they had their advertisement everywhere and he was working for the one with the um with a swoosh and what he did was the following so as all the fans poured into the stadium and you know this can be 50 60 000 people in a German soccer stadium he positioned his people at the exits of the train stations and he gave every single attendee a little flag in the colors of the team with his company’s logo on it and so when the TV camera doesn’t went on you couldn’t see anything from the sponsor that paid a lot of money to kind of spons and rent out the stadium and you could just see this ocean of flags with the competitors logo right and that’s not fair that’s cheating man I love it that was awesome that’s really smart right and so we’re not saying do something illegal right we’re saying because she again right and and maybe you can see the um the connecting tissue here cheating is not good that’s why we learn in kindergarten in school not to cheat however some creativity is good you have to make sure you don’t want to overstep but in the end you don’t want to be the only person that’s playing to um this fiction of Harmony to civilized rules where nobody else is playing to it and you can be a little bit creative right did the guys that paid for the sponsorship of the stadium feel good probably not but hey that’s fair right all the sphere in Love and War and I think this is this is one of the instances where it wasn’t illegal it wasn’t like morally reprehensible reprehensible it was still cheating and I mean I have to say I love it number 12. in 10 years nobody will remember the details of caliber stance or tactics they will only remember who lived and I think there’s something to that and you actually see it especially as you get older or if you study history a lot of the things that are remembered weren’t really perceived the way they are remembered now when it actually happened so for example in European history the piece of his failure is like one of this watershed moments that’s seen as very positive back then people are saying oh this is well it’s a compromise it’s not really good it doesn’t really solve all the problems there’s still Wars going on so yeah it’s okay we’ll take it but it’s not very good right and so time changes perception winners write the history and nobody remembers the details anyway right and nobody remembers you anyway and so this again is telling us make sure you survive because if your company goes in solvent it doesn’t help that you always play it completely Fair we’re never creative um we’re very nice to everyone nobody cares in the end the company has to survive not saying be an [ __ ] I’m not saying be a criminal but make sure like it’s a spectrum right don’t go crazy and be the criminal but also don’t go to The Other Extreme and be the Sheep Among Wolves you know you have to kind of balance it out and I think this is what these rules do and they tell those that are maybe a little bit too far on the on the sheep Spectrum to move a little bit over and to think through this because it’s true people will not remember who stuck to the rules more or was very nice instead of just being polite and they’re gonna remember who survived
all right getting to the last one I see this is nothing new for you I just wanted to say it’s like it’s not a secret that the most weakest part of the group is always dying first it’s hard but it’s true yeah
I like it I really like this evolutionary approach maybe we can do an episode on that as well and it’s true right I mean who gets to survive there have been several several humanoid species some of them don’t exist anymore maybe we’re getting um and getting killed out by AI pretty soon and then there’s still going to be a life form but it’s going to be a technical one not a biological one um and yeah in the end it’s a tough world out there and you got to be ready so number 13 and the last one and as I said there are different variations of it but um this is where we’ll stop is if you’re not shooting you should be communicating your intention to shoot I actually like another one a little bit better so I’m gonna quote this as well if you’re not throwing rounds downrange you should be communicating and so if we unpack that there’s actually a couple of things in there and the first one is you should always be shooting right this is why you’re there and that means well if you’re a soldier shoot down range towards the enemy if you’re a salesperson you should be making sales calls right whatever you do you should probably do a lot of it and if you’re not doing it it’s probably a good idea to be communicating it doesn’t make sense for everyone to be communicating no and this is what a lot of Corporations suffer from right they’re just talking talking talking nobody’s doing the shooting nobody’s doing the work and this is a real big problem however it doesn’t mean that nobody should be communicating because you know maybe one person on the team should be communicating to make sure we’re aligned with other teams um there’s no Friendly Fire um the commander’s intent is being received and so actually while this again is very obvious I like it and there’s a reason why these things are being brought up again and again because in reality you often see people not shooting not doing what they’re supposed to do but always tending to everything else but also communication is important and we see here in the military context that shooting is number one and communication in this sentence at least is number two and there’s a reason for it because we need the communication as little as possible but as much as necessary all right so now that you’ve heard them I think you had some questions about why we would be doing this military checklist so what do you think about this honestly like I can I would yeah I don’t know I see myself in many of this of this uh rules I don’t know I think you can adapt it to your personal life like we said also to business on the business side but sometimes you forget stuff because you’re you’re stuck in in the organization or you’re stuck in your own your own personal way of acting or living or whatever so it’s good to keep that back in mind and also to overthink your strategy maybe you did something in the past and it was not working out so you should sit down think about it why why it was not working or what What fail like what was the reason why it failed so maybe you should rethink you’re doing and like maybe change some strategies yeah and I think I think you made a good point it’s it’s that Continuum right for some people this is going to be second nature I’m going to say well this is nothing new for this it’s going to be way too crass right somebody’s on the on the ground and you have to kick him again what what are they talking about or you shoot somebody twice right it’s going to be way too much but I think it helps to realize that you are on that Continuum and to try to figure out where you are and maybe your reaction to like what we’ve been talking about is a good indication so if you say well this is nothing new um wasted my time on this episode then maybe this is good and you’re already um quite far to one side of the spectrum maybe too far right so that’s maybe something to think about as well but if this brought up in you feelings of wow this is way too crazy what are they talking about kicking somebody that’s already down then maybe that’s assigned to reorient yourself and to see if you might not be too far to the other side of the spectrum that you actually might need to get a little bit tougher and that could be very beneficial to you and maybe to your family and to your company and so on as well all right then I think we got it for today thanks everyone for watching if you want to hear more from us you can find us on all the platforms that have podcasts and videos um I’m signing off my name is carry on and you have the last word thank you it was nice to be here very interesting and very important for everybody of us so I’m excited about the next topics see you soon bye